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Lær Forex Trading. EURUSD, mandag 06 03 17 15 32 GMT, H1 Time-Frame vi ser Bollinger Bands danner en smal flaskehals på H1 TF som betyr at en breakout kommer og dommer fra nedadgående helling av Median BBAND ​​på Daily TF hvor prisen prøver å fullføre en svinghøyde over median BB før du fortsetter lavere, vil jeg gi deg en selgesignal. Så hvis du ser en sterk Bearish H1 lysestake som lukker under den nedre BBAND ​​med median BBAND ​​som har dannet et nedadgående kne, øvre og nedre BBANDS-kanter vendte seg utover, danner en Trekk, Tenkan Sen ICHIMOKU Rød Linje og Kijun Sen ICHIMOKU Blå Linje i riktig Bearish Bestill begge skrånende nedover, Chikou Span ICHIMOKU Green Line har krysset under forrige pris handling går ned og fører KUMO som en nyfødt Bearish en med begge kanter skrånende nedover, SELL 1 0566 plassering av SL 1 0642 over øvre BBAND ​​s kurve og TP 1 0417 Glad pips forex forexsignal forexsignals forexgreece fxholic eurusd sofiastavropoulou happypips. EURUSD, onsdag , 22 02 17 08 03 GMT, M30 Tidsramme SELL 1 0500 SL 1 0578 TP1 1 0325 TP2 0 9852 Gratulerer pips forex forexgreece forexsignal forexsignals fxholic sofiastavropoulou eurusd. USDJPY, mandag 20. FEB 2017, 10 56 GMT, H1 TF KØP 114 04 SL 112 71, TP1 116 18 TP2 117 77, TP3 118 61 TP4 121 28 Hvis UPWARD Move eksploderer, vil prisen også gjøre korrigerende nedoverbevegelser, og ikke forvent at den treffer alle 4 TP s samtidig og på rad s kommer til å være en humpete tur Trade Management Regler vil bli gitt via en VIDEO Signal å bli lagt inn i min MOB APP Happy pips forex forexgreece forexsignals forexsignal fxholic sofiastavropoulou usdjpy forexxtrader forextrading. GBPUSD, mandag 20 februar, Ramme KJØP 1 2578 på tilstanden har en sterk Bullish H4 lysestake stengt på det nivået og ICHIMOKU tre linjer Tenkan Sen rød, Kijun Sen blå, Chikou Span grønn, går opp som alle er over KUMO, mens ledende KUMO er bullish med begge kanter skrånende OPPDATER Legg din SL 1 2379 - if yo Du kan takle risikoen - og TP1 1 2933, TP2 1 3051 og TP3 1 3378 Trade Management-detaljene vil bli gitt med et VIDEO-signal på paret, som skal legges inn i MOB-APPen min. Happy pips forex forexgreece forexsignal forexsignals gbpusd fxholic sofiastavropoulou. AUDUSD, mandag 20. FEB 2017 08 21 GMT, H1 tidsramme hvis du ser en sterk Bearish H1 lysestake LUKKER under nivået av den siste oppadgående kurven til Lower Bollinger Band, SELG 0 7642 plassering av SL 0 7703 og din første TP 0 7528 mens den andre kan plasseres 0 7477 Alternativt, hvis en sterk Bullish H1 lysestake lukker over den siste nedadgående kurven til Upper Bollinger Band, KJØP 0 7719 plassering av SL 0 7654 og din TP 0 7819 Happy pips forex forexsignal forexsignals forexgreece forextrader forextrading fxholic sofiastavropoulou audusd. EURUSD, mandag 20. februar FEB 2017, 07 35 GMT, H1 tidsramme hvis du ser en sterk Bearish H1 lysestake Lukker under KUMO og under Lower Bollinger Band, med Tenkan Sen ICH Red Line og Kinjun Sen ICH Blue Line i riktig Bearish rekkefølge, begge skrånende nedover og begge under KUMO, SELL 1 0584 plasserer SL 1 0660 og TP 1 0438 Hvis du derimot ser en sterk Bullish Lysestake lukking over KUMO med Tenkan Sen, KIJUN Sen og Chikou Span over KUMO, KJØP 1 0670 legger din SL 1 0590 og din TP 1 0828 Happy Pips forex forexgreece forexsignal forexsignals eurusd fxholic sofiastavropoulou. GOLD XAUUSD, fredag ​​17 02 17 17 16 GMT, M30-tidsramme etter at Median Bollinger Band svinger nedover, VENT fra prisen for å samhandle med den og etter en frisk sving høy over MMB og en frisk Bearish KUMO Breakout med Tenkan Sen ICH Red Line og Kijun Sen ICH Blue Line i riktig Bearish Order, begge skrånende nedover og begge under KUMO, med Chikou Span ICH Green Line som har krysset under forrige pris handling og under tidligere KUMO går ned og ledende KUMO blir bearish nedover, SELL 1234 88 plasserer SL 1244 20 over øvre Bollinger Band og TP1 1219 99 hvor MBBAND ​​på Daily TF er, TP2 1213 61 hvor Kijun Sen plateau på Daily er, TP3 1189 16 hvor lavere BBAND ​​på Daily er Monitor handel fra M30 STAY IN mens Median BBAND ​​går ned, EXIT når det blir flat Spor SL 50-55pips over hver ny Kijun Sen Plateau på M30 TF Happy Pips forex forexsignals forexsignal fxholic xauusd gull sofiastavropoulou. EURJPY, fredag ​​17 02 17 15 49 GMT H1 Tidsramme VENTE for prisen å oppnå en statistisk validering til Median Bollinger Band på H1 TF Dette kan ta timer Når du ser en sterk Bearish H1 lysestake som ligger under Median Bollinger Band og under Tenkan Sen ICHIMOKU Red Line, med Tenkan Sen Slopibg Nedover, SELL 120 38 plasserer SL 121 40 over KUMO og over øvre BBAND ​​og TP 117 31 like over Tenkan Sen-platået på månedlig tidsramme. Hold deg mens Median BBAND ​​på H1 TF går ned, EXIT når det blir flat RE-Enter etter en ny Bearish-pris Tenkan Sen Cross med begge M BBAND ​​og TS skrånende nedover Legg din SL 50-55pips over hvert nytt Kijun Sen ICHIMOKU Blue Line-plateau på H1 Happy pips forex forexsignals fxholic forexxtrading forexxtrader currencytrading eurjpy sofiastavropoulou. EURUSD, onsdag 27. april 2016, 10 07 GMT, M30 tidsramme KJØP SCENARIO hvis du ser en sterk Bullish M30 lysestake lukking over den høyeste nyere UP Fractal BUY 1 1342 plasserer SL 1 1284 under KUMO og under Nedre BBAND ​​og din TP 1 1439 hvor Upper BBAND ​​på Daily TF er Hvis du er villig til å Behandle Trade fra M30 TF som bor mens lysestaker lukker over Tenkan Sen, Exiting når s bearish en lukkes under TS og re-Entering når et sterkt bullish lysestake lukkes over både TS og KS med TS skrånende OP, mens du legger SL 25pips under hver nee Kijun Sen-platået, legg deretter din neste TP 1 1510 like under KUMOs øvre kant på WEEKLY TF og den neste TP 1 1685 like under høyeste siste UP Fractal på Månedlig TF SELL SCENARIO hvis du ser en st rong Bearish M30 Lysestake lukker under KUMO med tre linjer - Tenkan Sen, Kijun Sen og Chikou Span-alt går ned Under KUMO, SELL 1 1260 plasserer SL 1 1317 over KUMO og TP 1 1164 sitter øverst på KUMO på DAILY TF vertikalt under nåværende lysestake Hvis du vil nanage handelen, gjør du det fra M30 etter reglene nevnt på BUY Scenario, reversert og går til neste TP 1 1094 hvor Median BBAND ​​på Weekly TF er ned til TP 1 1016 bare over Kijun Sen Plateau på Ukentlig TF Happy Pips forex forexbooks forexsignals forexxtrading tradeforex currencytrading. What er Forex trading system. En Forex trading system er en metode eller prosess for å nærme seg handel valutamarkedet Forex markedet, og er mye brukt når du refererer til handelsstiler og måter å systematisk anvende slike investeringsstrategier til markedet med det formål å generere handelsinntekter. Det er nesten et uendelig antall systemer, da handelsfolk ofte streber etter å skreddersy handelsstrategi for å oppfylle sine spesifikke mål og livssituasjon, ligner hvordan ulike mennesker har forskjellige spisevaner og dermed dietter, som gustatory vaner. Forex trading systemer kan også variere fra person til person. Denne artikkelen vil beskrive hva som menes når spørsmålet om hva er forex trading system blir spurt. Scope of Trading Systems. Trading systemer kan være så enkelt eller så komplisert som menneskene bak utviklingen deres, men likevel dele en felles egenskap der essensen er å utvikle en sett prosess eller kombinasjon av regler som kan brukes om og om igjen for å ta en lignende tilnærming til markedet, ettersom forholdene endres, og for å få konsistente resultater mens man kontrollerer prosessen. En nøkkelkomponent styrer mengden av potensiell risiko som tas, samt den potensielle belønningen som blir forfulgt, både for handel og handel, og på tvers av en rekke bransjer som enten kan være åpne samtidig eller når de måles etter hvert over tid. Dette er grunnlaget for å tjene penger siden nettoresultatet må overvinne nettofordringene fra et handelsmenns historiske resultater for å få en positiv avkastning. Dette ligner på å drive en bedrift der, etter fradrag av kostnader og utgifter fra bruttoinntektene, er håp at det var nok inntekt til pute kostnadene og resultere i positive netto incomemon Egenskaper som Most Forex Trading Systems Share. How Trading Opportunities Signals Found. When Signaler Bør Trigger Live Trades når du skal komme inn på markedet. Størrelsen av handelen skal være i forhold til kontosaldoen. Risikoen per Trade Stop-Loss-verdi og sammenlignet med. Belønning per handel Limit Value, for å danne et passende risikobeløp-forhold. Maksimalt antall åpne handler tillatt på en gitt tidsramme. Maksimalt potensielt tap på alle åpne handler mot maksimal belønning potensial. Frekvensen av handel, forventet omsetning og gjennomsnittlig handelstid duration. A prosess for å håndtere bransjer som ikke når deres mål innen en gitt time. While den ovennevnte liste over felles tr aits er ikke ment å være uttømmende, hvert element som er oppgitt, kan være et helt emne for diskusjon, fordi det er i disse detaljene at handelsstrategier er differensiert. Grafikken nedenfor viser et eksempel handelsidee som beskrevet på fellesskapets blog. Ways to Find Trading Muligheter. Av de fire under scenariene for å analysere nyheter som påvirker markeder, og ved å bruke markedsprishistorikken til å måle fremtiden, ved hjelp av enten en subjektiv menneskelig observatør eller en objektiv dataprogrammert tilnærming, avslører det at forskjellige grupperinger for å bestemme handelsmuligheter eksisterer og gjeldende for nesten alle finansmarkeder. Seksjon Teknisk analyse Mennesker observerer historisk priskonkurranse for å fastslå tidligere trender og baner som kan påvirke dagens og fremtidige prisvei. En datamaskin kan også bruke noen subjektiv basert tilnærming, men dette ville være vanskeligere å programmere og kanskje ikke som reliable. Objective Technical Analysis Computer beregner matematiske og statistiske kriterier a og bruker forhold som handelsmenn angir hvilke utløser handelsmuligheter eller signaler - når disse betingelsene er oppfylt en form for automatisert eller algoritmisk basert handel. Mennesker kan også bruke en objektiv tilnærming til å beregne statistikk og bruke proprietære indikatorer, men datamaskiner er normalt mye raskere på dette og derfor er mer effektive. Sosial grunnleggende analyse Mennesker ser på geopolitiske og grunnleggende økonomiske nyheter som påvirker verdensøkonomien og økonomiene i valutaer som inngår i Forex-parene, og deretter bestemmer potensiell innvirkning eller effekt nyheter kan ha på markeder og bestemmer seg for en trade direction accordingly. Objective Fundamental Analysis Dataprogrammer analyserer relevante økonomiske nyheter og markedspriser, ved hjelp av en tilnærming kalt Complex Event Processing CEP for å oversette effekten til en handelskant i markedet, ved å bruke beregningshastigheten og muligheten til å skanne et stort Antall nyhetsfeeds for relevant informasjon som kan påvirke markeder Denne tilnærmingen er vanskelig å perfeksjonere for den gjennomsnittlige næringsdrivende, da det kan kreve ressurser som ikke er tilgjengelige for de fleste for å gjøre det til en levedyktig løsning. Andre metoder for tilnærming kan sies å eksistere som inter-markeds - eller intra-markedsanalyse, men disse er ganske enkelt kombinasjoner av noen av de ovennevnte kategoriene. Nedenfor er et utdrag av en økonomisk kalender med nyhetshendelser som handelsmenn kan følge for å forutse valutamarkedsbevegelser så snart nyhetsbruddene er. Når skal handelssignaler bli levende handler. Valutamarkedet , sannsynligvis mer enn noe annet marked, er fullt av handelsmuligheter, hovedsakelig på grunn av sin enorme og dype likviditet og det rene antall transaksjoner som foregår, men også fordi den er åpen 24 timer i døgnet nesten seks dager i uken. Dessuten fordi Valutamarkedet er observert på lignende måter, for eksempel ved hjelp av de fire nevnte kategorikategoriene ovenfor, over ulike tidshorisoner, er det kontinuerlig trender for tiden ting, reversering, fremvoksende og konvergerende. Ikke bare eksisterer disse trenderne, men ofte overlappes de øverst og innenfor andre trender over tid. For eksempel ser en forhandler på et 1-minutters diagram som viser prisoppdateringer for hver en-minutters tidsperiode for eksempel den åpne, høye, lave og lukkede prisen i løpet av dette minuttet, kan se en trend som ikke er synlig på et 1-timers diagram, faktisk kan 1-timers diagram vise en helt annen og til og med motsatt trend som ser like sannsynlig ut å fortsette eller reversere i forhold til 1-minutters kartobservasjon. Uten muligheten for å filtrere Forex-priser over slike tidsrammer, ville presis analyse være vanskelig, ettersom all historien ville være rotete uten mulighet for å filtrere ved hjelp av mengder tid å vite når det skal etableres handler basert på oppfattet trading sjanser bør avhenge mer på hva som er forex trading system som blir brukt. Forex priser reflekterer hele markedet s pris handling, selv om bare fra en utvalg megling kilde. Dette fenomenet eksisterer b fordi nesten alle meglere oppdaterer sine priser dynamisk i sanntid, og prisene avslører derfor handlingen over alle tidsrammer. En megler som bare ga en endringsoppdatering til prisen en gang daglig, ville gå glipp av alle tidsrammer innenfor dagen som minste tick-data minste renteendring og 5 minutter, 15 minutter, time osv. Mens markedet er fragmentert på grunn av sin desentraliserte natur, selv om prisene kan variere litt fra en kilde til den neste, med fremkomsten av internett og hastighet på elektroniske markeder, priser er tettere sammen nå mer enn noensinne, og skaper også mindre sjanser for scalpers eller arbitrage-strategier som er latensdrevne. I tråd med trender og tidsramme er dette derfor viktig for å matche tidshorisonten i en handel med tidsrammen observert, men på grunn av trender som kan eksistere i de andre tidsrammer, er det ofte tilrådelig å se hva som skjer for eksempel på mellomlang sikt og langsiktig, når man planlegger kortere sikt handel, og omvendt. Det finnes mange handelsmuligheter, tidsramme er nøkkelen til identifikasjon og inngangsavgang. En bestemt trend som oppdages kan for eksempel fortsette, men den kan først avvike og at avviket kan være en kortere eller langsiktig trend Fortsatt å påvirke prisene, før markedet vender tilbake til trendnivået du har observert. Noen ganger kan markedet imidlertid ikke gå tilbake til trenden, ettersom denne trenden kanskje allerede er avsluttet, og det er ikke til bruk mesteparten av tiden hvis det til og med oppstår mange måneder, dager eller år senere hvis det venter så lenge, vil det skade en forhandler s strategi og ikke passe innenfor sine tillatte regler. I tillegg er det fast i markedet eller venter på det til trening kan være kostbart. Tricket er å la fortjeneste ri, og kutte tap kort Ironisk nok har handelsmenn en tendens til å gjøre det motsatte, fordi frykt kan føre til at fortjenesten blir lukket for forfristet, og tap som ikke vil bli realisert, er åpne igjen med den ofte håpløse forventningen at de kommer tilbake til en fortjeneste wh men faktisk kan de bli mye verre. Risikobelønningsnivåer er kritiske for å øke oddsene for lønnsomme nettoresultat. For eksempel hvis en næringsdrivende så ut til å gjøre 100 per handel, mens risikoen ikke overstiger 75, men i gjennomsnitt bøker i dag et overskudd på 80 , kjøp noen tapende handler over 75 terskelen til å si en 80 tap, så plutselig blir risikobeløpet ikke bare mindre gunstig, men etter faktoring i handelskostnaden har oddsen nå skiftet mot dem. Arbeidsprosesser for å holde tap mindre i forhold til fortjeneste er nøkkelen til å tjene penger, da det er veldig vanskelig å implementere det som det er veldig vanskelig å implementere uten å forstå hva som er Forex trading system og vite hvordan man skal skreddersy en til dine egne handelsbehov. Etablere et forex trading system , for eksempel en som vil bli brukt manuelt, ved hjelp av en subjektiv tilnærming, for eksempel, krever planlegging. Antall detaljene som er satt inn i forskningen, bestemmer mengden av kontroll en handel kan ha over rekkevidden av resultater. eloping Regler og sette den til Praksis. For eksempel, en næringsdrivende som har satt en regel som tillater ikke mer enn 5 handler per dag, og ideelt sett bare en eller to handler som skal gjøres, vil ha mer konsekvente regler enn en handelsmann som ikke gjør det t følger som regel. Resultatene og overordnet evne til å implementere strategien ville også være svært forskjellige for en næringsdrivende som satte en standard for å måtte gjøre minst 5 forhandlere per dag, uavhengig av markedsforholdene. Disse små regler og standarder, som bygger grunnlaget for et forex trading system, må ikke bare velges riktig, men den valgte tilnærmingen må brukes til å beregne og prognose noen grunnleggende beregninger som vi nå skal diskutere nedenfor. Hva er den beste forex tradingstrategien Den du lager skreddersydd til din unike situasjon. Mange handelsstrategier eksisterer som har blitt popularisert enten av suksessene til deres skapere, vellykket markedsføring og kommersialisering av disse til handelsmenn, og eller på grunn av kjernens vanlige trekk involv ed at handelsmenn kan deretter videre mold for å passe sine egne mål og toleranser Et eksempel på noen ofte søkte etter strategier. forex trading pro system. forex skilpadde trading system. cowabunga forex trading system. sonic forex trading system. forex odyssey trading system. martingale forex trading system. It er viktig å huske at levetiden til hvor vellykket et forex trading system kan være er begrenset, og derfor uansett system er populært nå kan det allerede ha hatt sin tid i spotlyset og kunne være moden for en trukket eller avvik fra sin historiske ytelse. I stedet for å stole på noen hellige strategiske strategier, siden ingen finnes, kan handelsmenn være best rustet ved å stole på seg selv, utvikle sin egen stil ved hjelp av allment kjente tilnærminger, kombinert med finjusterte parametere for å møte deres spesifikke handel tidsplan, tilgjengelig investeringskapital, og nivå av risiko appetitt samt mål fortjeneste. Hvor å starte La oss gjøre noen enkle beregning. Et eksempel hvor et handelssamarbeid uld start er ved å spørre hvor mye vil jeg gjerne gjøre hver dag fra Forex, og hvor mye har jeg råd til å risikere hver dag for å oppnå den verdien Da, hvor ofte må jeg være rett på en handel, i orden for å oppnå avkastningen og la strategien forbli bærekraftig uten å løpe ut av investeringskapitalen for tidlig. I et hypotetisk scenario, hvor en næringsdrivende vil tjene 200 per dag, mens han risikerer ikke mer enn 66 00, er et risikobeløp på 1 3 eller 1 risikofaktor pr 3 enheter av belønning Gir grunnlag for å lage et system som bruker disse spesifikasjonene. Det er sagt at næringsdrivende ikke kunne handle mens han var på jobb om morgenen og ettermiddagen, og bare hatt tid på kvelden da Den asiatiske handelssesjonen var mest aktiv, parene som han kunne fokusere på, kunne være USD JPY og andre JPY-priset par, inkludert Sørøst-Asia-valutaer som de australske og New Zealand Dollar-relaterte parene. Dette ville gi en rekke instrumenter for Trader å analysere, under av og selv om det ikke ble etablert noen bransjer i løpet av den tiden en mulighet som kunne sees å være i utvikling - i noen av de gjennomgåtte parene - der en inngangs - eller inngangsordre som er betinget av en bestemt pris først nådd, kan opprettes med spesifikke risikostopp-ordre og belønningsgrenseordre vedlagt dersom handelsnivåene blir nådd og ordrene blir utført. Slike ventende ordrer, kjent som inntaksordrer, er nyttige når markedet ikke er der du vil det å være å legge inn det, og dermed muliggjøre en måte å sette forholdene på, var hvis markedsprisene er nådd. Utførelsen av handlingshåndteringen blir behandlet. Bestemme Hvor mange handler, hvilken størrelse og hvor mye risiko. Handleren vil fortsatt måtte finne nummeret av handler som må gjøres for å nå målet om 200 mens de risikerer 66 Om det er en handel eller en rekke stillinger, vil størrelsen på handelen påvirke verdien av hvert pip og dermed noe overskudd eller tap alligevel, da forexrentene endres. Et eksempel kan være en handelsstørrelse på 50 000 valutaenheter, hvor hvert pip er omtrent 5 00 og risikere 13 pips vil gi et 65 stopp-nivå, mens en grense på 40 pips vil gi et 200 overskuddsmålmålgrense. Denne ene handelen kan oppnå det daglige målet, men det vil alle gjenkjenne den ene handelen. En annen tilnærming, som bruker samme risikobeløp, kan være å bryte overhandelen til mindre størrelse handler mens du holder stoppe grenseverdier, i form av pipmengder det samme. For eksempel, 5 separate handler, hver for 10.000 valutaenheter, men hver med 13 pipstopptap og 40 pipgrenseverdier. Kombinasjonshandelstørrelsene, hvis i samme valutapar for eksempel, ville ligge til samme totale risikobeløbsverdier og samlet handelsverdi Selv om de ble produsert i forskjellige valutapar, ville pipverdiene bare endre nettoresultatene med en liten prosentandel. Finjustering er en handelsstrategi som virkelig forandrer seg til beste jobbe for deg. Derfor, makin G disse små beslutningene kan påvirke handelsresultatene, og hvem strategien blir brukt, samt sannsynligheten for at den er bærekraftig for det givne handelsbudsjettet og avhengig av oddsen bestemt av risikobeløpet som er valgt. Eksemplet ovenfor som brukte en samlet risikobelønning når det gjelder det daglige målet, som da ble brakt ned til de enkelte handler, betyr at verste 65 dollar kan gå tapt per dag, mens 200 kan realiseres, og derfor kunne eksempler på odds over ti dager med best mulig handel resultere i 2000 profitt 10x 200 eller 650 tap 10x 65, begge ekstreme situasjoner. Hvis gjennomsnittlig belønningsmål blir truffet halvparten av tiden, vil det være et overskudd på 5x 200 1000, mens om den andre halvdelen av tiden er risikoterskelen ble rammet, ville tapet 65 x 5 totalt 325 og dermed skape en netto overskudd på 675 i løpet av de ti dagene. Herfra kan vi se hvor ofte handelen må treffe målet for å oppnå ulike nettoresultatbeløp etter trekker ut tap En matrise til riktig, ved å bruke verdien som diskuteres her, kan sees nedenfor og viser de varierende resultat - og tapnivåene avhengig av hvor ofte profitt og tap er nådd i løpet av 10 bransjer, for eksempel. I eksemplet ovenfor, i stedet for å være rett Halve tiden, hvis grensen ble truffet bare 4 av 10 ganger, med en fortjeneste på 200 x 4 eller 800, og tapene ble 65 x 6 390, ville nettofordelingen være en positiv avkastning på 410, men som vi kan se bare på grunn av en ytterligere tap av handel, falt dette tapet netto avkastningen betydelig fra 675 i eksemplet ovenfor til 410. Bestemme de beste oddsene for et gitt handelssystem. Men ved å opprettholde et risikobeløp på omtrent 1 3, I løpet av ti bransjer, som nevnt ovenfor, må en målgivers grense bare treffes tre av ti ganger, og selv om de andre 7 ganger stoppfallet utløses, vil nettoresultatet være en nettoavkastning på Det er klart at en retur som det ikke ville være noe å være begeistret for, men det er det e verste fall fortjeneste ved hjelp av de ovennevnte tallene. Ved å ta deg tid til å svare på spørsmål som de som er beskrevet ovenfor, og utvikle et Forex trading system som passer dine behov, kan handelsmenn få kontroll over sin handel og ikke bare føle seg til barmhjertighet av markedet Denne måten, uansett hva som skjer i slutten av en handelsdag, så lenge de selvstendig etablerte reglene ble fulgt, burde resultatene ikke være overraskende, og i stedet vil avkastningen konsekvent være innenfor en rekke kontroller som gir ro i sinnet og sikkerhet for å ta ansvar for å drive Forex trading som om det var en karriere eller personlig virksomhet. Tradere kan snakke med erfarne Forex salgskonsulenter ved en multi-asset multi-jurisdictional regulert online megling, for å lære mer om å utvikle et handelssystem som kan brukes og testet med enten en Forex trading demo konto og eller fremdrift for å bruke strategien til en live Forex trading account. About Author. You trenger penger for å leve et komfortabelt liv Du trenger penger til å pro vide utdanning til barna dine Og du trenger penger til å spise Dette er grunnen til at du jobber, derfor legger folk opp virksomheter, og det er derfor folk går langt for å tjene penger. En god pengeinnstilling karriere som du bør vurdere er handel i det største finansmarkedet i verden Ikke bare er Forex eller Foreign Exchange verdens største finansmarked, det er også det mest likvide markedet i verden som opererer 24 timer i døgnet. Med handelsutvekslinger som genererer opptil 2 billioner dollar en dag som ikke ville bli tiltrukket av handel i dette svært flytende markedet. Hvis du er en vanlig person med en vanlig jobb som er på utkikk etter en måte å tjene ekstra penger, kan du vurdere å komme inn på Forex markedet og handel. Men Forex også har sine risikoer og folk som har handlet i Forex uten at riktig kunnskap og ferdigheter har mistet store mengder penger, og noen har lidd ekstreme økonomiske tap. Derfor er det nødvendig for deg å ha nok kunnskap og ferdigheter når du handler Forex x market. Today, det er en programvare tilgjengelig for deg å bruke som virkelig kan gjøre det lettere for deg å handle i Forex markedet og tjene som ekstra penger du vil. Denne programvaren kalles ofte Forex trading robot. Normalt Forex trading roboter er tilgjengelig på internett Det er veldig mye å ansette en Forex megler, men i stedet for at en megler er menneskelig, ville det være i form av et program. Siden Forex trading robots ikke sover, kan denne programvaren løpe 24 timer i døgnet, og gir derfor du fordelen av ikke å savne noen penger som gjør muligheter når Forex markedet endres. Bare forestill deg, det er nå mulig for deg å handle i Forex markedet som en profesjonell Og du kan handle 24 timer i døgnet Med denne fordelen vil du aldri Gå glipp av en annen potensielt lønnsom dag i Forex markedet. Du kan også gjøre dette mens du er på jobb. Alt dette er mulig gjennom bruk av en Forex trading robot. Før du abonnerer på en Forex trading robot, må du først avgjøre Jeg f programvaren kan virkelig fungere for din fordel Du må avgjøre om Forex trading robot virkelig kan handle effektivt og effektivt. Du bør også se etter avanserte handelsfunksjoner som Forex trading robot kan tilby deg. Her er noen av funksjonene du bør se etter i en Forex trading robot. 24 timer i døgnet drift Du vil ha denne funksjonen i en Forex trading robot, slik at du aldri vil savne en penger å gjøre mulighet. Minimale investeringskrav Investeringer i en Forex trading robot bør være minimal for at du skal råd. Trading automasjonsteknologi Siden pengene dine er i fare, bør du velge en Forex trading robot med den nyeste trading teknologien som finnes i markedet today. These er noen av tingene du bør se etter i en Forex trading robot Med disse funksjonene, kan være sikker på at du virkelig kan tjene penger. Forex trading roboter er perfekte for folk som ønsker å bli involvert i Forex markedet, men ikke har riktig kunnskap og ferdigheter til å handle c valutaer. Det er også flott for folk som er redd for å investere sine penger i Forex Du kan også dra nytte av en Forex trading robot hvis du vil konsentrere deg om dagjobben og fortsatt tjene penger i Forex markedet. Investering i Forex markedet er En av de beste måtene å tjene den ekstra penger du trenger. Du bør imidlertid alltid huske at i Forex må du investere penger for å tjene penger. Du bør også ha råd til å miste pengene du investerer i Forex. Alltid huske at forexen, selv om den er en stor pengepremier for mange mennesker, også har samme risiko som kan føre til at du mister penger. Med en Forex-robot, vil du kunne minimere risikoen for å miste penger og øke sjansene for å tjene penger 24 timer en dag Med en Forex trading robot, vil du aldri gå glipp av en annen handelsdag på Forex markedet og dra nytte av store markedstrender. 29. september 2013.Trading i finansinstitusjoner er en av de beste måtene å tjene penger. Det er også en av de beste måtene å tjene penger på. den mest lovende karrieren valg som folk gjør i dag Med muligheten til å tjene mye penger, flere og flere personer som er interessert i handel i finansinstitusjonen, har forlatt jobbene sine for å få en del av handlingen i finansmarkedet. I dag er Forex-markedet det beste valget for folk som vurderer å gjøre en karriere ute av handel i finansmarkedet Dessuten vil de ikke handle i det største og mest likvide markedet i verden som involverer alle land i verden. Forex-markedet opererer 24 timer i døgnet med valutaveksling som kan gå så høyt som 2 billioner dollar hver handelsdag. Det er også det mest likvide markedet i verden, noe som også betyr at handelsmenn kan komme inn på markedet når som helst de vil, og få fortjenesten enkelt. fortid var Forex begrenset til store finansinstitusjoner og multinasjonale selskaper Bare banker, sentralbanker og store selskaper fikk lov til å delta i Forex-markedet. Men takket være moderne kommunikasjonsteknologi logikk og høyhastighets internett og reduserte sanksjoner i Forex-markedet, kan vanlige mennesker nå handle og delta i verdens største finansielle marked. Fordi Forex-markedet er nå åpent for alle, og fordi det er en svært lønnsom industri, har Forex meglerforetak begynte å forbedre sine tjenester og tilgjengelighet. De har nå også designet ulike handelsplattformer som passer for ulike Forex-forhandlere. Ikke bare har online Forex meglerfirmaer gjort sine handelsplattformer tilgjengelige, de begynte også og fortsetter å forbedre programvaren. De tillater også at folk registrerer seg med en Mini Forex konto som kan la dem handle med en minimumsmargin på 100 dollar bare eller enda mindre. Hvis du er interessert i å bli med i Forex markedet, må du bare ha noen få ting å komme i gang. Først trenger du en datamaskin med en høyhastighets internettforbindelse Høyhastighets internettforbindelse er svært viktig for en effektiv handel til arbeid Det vil også minimere risikoen for slipp aldre som kan føre til at du mister penger. Hvis ditt område ikke har noen høyhastighets Internett-tilkobling, bør du glemme handel på Forex-markedet på nettet. Dette vil bare få deg til å miste mye penger. For det andre må du velg hvilket Forex meglerforetak du bør ansette Disse selskapene vil gi deg Forex trading plattformen som du enkelt kan laste ned og installere i din datamaskin Forex trading plattform er bare et program som er viktig for en online Forex trader. Det er viktig for you to choose a trading platform that you are comfortable using You should also make sure that the trading platform you choose provides accurate and up to date real time information, security, and stability. It is also recommended that the trading platform you choose should provide information on at least 16 currency pairs, execute orders with just a click of the mouse, have charting tools to perform technical analysis, and should also have a recording feature th at will store your trading history. With all these features, you can really improve the way you trade in the Forex market and also minimize the risk of losing money. Look for a Forex trading platform that is simple to use and easy to understand If you wish to know more about the Forex trading platform that a Forex trading brokerage firm offers, you can consider opening a dummy or practice account By doing this, you will never risk real money on trades while learning the ropes. You will also get hands on experience on the Forex trading platform and really determine if the platform is for you or not. Risk management is also a very important feature that you should look for If it takes too long to select a risk management order, you should consider looking for another Forex trading platform. These are some of the things you should look for in a Forex trading platform With a little practice in the dummy account, you can be sure that you can get the hang of it in no time at all and start making money through online Forex trading with a reliable Forex trading platform. September 29, 2013.The Internet is one of the most useful tools that you can take advantage of today With the advancement of communications technology, you can send and receive data to and from the Internet for free or at a very cheap price. Since the development of the Internet and introduction to the public, people have been using it to communicate with family and friends With the Internet, you can chat for free even though the person you are talking to is half way around the world. Today, because of the advancement of the Internet, and the availability of a cheap broadband Internet connection, it is now possible for people to start an online business, work online, and even trade in the financial market. Trading in the financial market online has a lot of advantages You no longer need to be inside the market floor to trade All you need is a computer with a high-speed Internet connection, and trading software and y ou re ready If you are thinking of trading in the financial market, you might want to consider trading in Forex. In the past, because the Internet was still in its infancy and the Forex market have strict sanctions and policies, regular people, such as yourself were not allowed to trade in the Forex market Only multinational companies and financial institutions were allowed and it also required huge amounts of investment capital to start trading in this financial market. The Forex market is the largest and the most liquid financial market in the world It operates 24 hours a day and generates currency exchanges that amount up to 2 trillion dollars each day With this kind of feature, people would really want to trade in the Forex market. With the advancement in the Internet technology, it is now possible for people to trade in the Forex market The Forex market also opened up its doors to individual traders and brokers. Forex trading is considered to be a great money making tool that you can take advantage of With the right skills and knowledge, you can really be successful in the Forex market and earn that money you have always wanted. It is also a fact that many people who have traded in the Forex market have earned quite a lot of profits Some even considered it to be a great full time career and decided to leave their regular jobs to trade fulltime in the Forex market. However, the Forex market also carries an equal risk to traders There is also a chance for you to lose money when you trade in Forex It is also a fact that Forex took people in the brink of financial collapse However, with the right skills, knowledge and strategy, you can minimize the risk and maximize your earning potential when you trade in this very liquid market. If you are looking for a great fulltime career that you can do in your own home, you can consider the Forex market as one of the best career choices. The first thing you need to have in order to start trading in the Forex market online is by havi ng a fast computer with a fast internet connection Fast Internet connection is very necessary in order to let you have access to real time information on what is happening in the market This will also prevent slippage. The next thing you need to do is hire a firm that is available online that specializes on Forex trading The online Forex trading firm will give you access on using their online software that is necessary for you to start trading For inexperienced Forex traders, it is recommended that you hire a firm in order to have first-hand knowledge on how to trade currency, and also help guide you on your trades. If you don t want to hire a firm, there are a lot of software programs in the market that you can use to start trading in the Forex market The most important thing you have to consider in a trading software program is that it should allow you to gain access to the Forex market instantly It should also give you the tools you need, such as charts and other indicators that are n ecessary for you to trade effectively. Software programs are recommended for experienced traders who don t want to spend money on Forex trading firms. These are some of the things you should consider when trading in the world s largest financial market online Always remember that there are no guarantees in Forex You should be prepared to lose money during your first few months of trading Once you completely understand how Forex works, you can be sure that you can earn a lot of money in no time at all. September 29, 2013.You can never hide the fact that people need money Money buys everything you need to live a comfortable life You use it to purchase your everyday food, clothes to keep you warm, fuel for your car, and you use it to pay for bills. Money is necessary in order for you to provide a comfortable life for your family This is why you work, and this is why people put up businesses It is true that earning money can be difficult for the average person However, it is way better than de pending on the government to provide you with food. People have ambitions that requires hard work Depending on welfare alone can never make your dreams come true. If you are a regular person, who earns a decent salary but still wants to earn extra cash in order for you to afford that dream vacation you saw in a TV ad or perhaps buy that huge TV you have always wanted, you should consider investing your savings. Investing your savings can only mean two things Either you can make it grow, or lose it all It may have some risks but if you do it right, you can really make a lot of money and afford those things you never thought you can ever have. One great way to invest your money in is by investing it in the largest, most liquid financial market in the world This kind of market is called the Forex market In this market, you simply have to buy and sell currencies of the world with hopes of making a profit The point of all this is that you have to buy low and sell high in order to make a profit out of your investment Here s a clearer explanation on what traders do in the Forex market For example, when a trader purchases a particular currency at a cheap price, the trader will expect the value to rise Once the value of the particular currency he or she sells rises as expected, you can sell it at a much higher price, hence, getting your investment back together with the profit. Trading in Forex will require you to trade in pairs Because you purchase currency, you sell another at the same time There are a lot of currency pairs in the Forex market However, the most commonly traded currency pairs in the Forex market are USD GBP, USD JPY, USD CHF, and GBP USD These four are the most popular currency pairs traded in the Forex market and where people are more likely to gain income. Although trading in the Forex market can really give you the chance of earning a lot of money, it is also a fact that you can also lose a lot of money This is because Forex is traded on margin For example, wi th a 1 percent margin, your 1000 dollars can give you leverage of 1000 dollars This means that your rate of return will be 100 percent of each percentage change upwards However, your loss will also be equally great if the market conditions went against you. This is why you have to have the proper skills and knowledge about the Forex market before you begin to trade Also, you need to understand that when you invest in this market, make sure you can afford to lose what you invest This is not necessarily attractive but if you want to make money, you also have to be prepared to lose money. If you are an inexperienced Forex trader, you should consider hiring a Forex broker and analysts to guide you in your money-making venture You can also consider opening a dummy account or taking a Forex trading course in your local business school or in online schools. Knowing the basics in Forex trading can be very beneficial So, try and look for some time where you can practice your trading skills and str ategies in dummy accounts or attending Forex trading courses. These are the things you should know about Forex trading and the Forex market If you want to go and earn that money you need for whatever reasons, try investing in the Forex market If you do it right, you can be sure that you can earn a lot of money through Forex trading. Always remember that on whatever things you invest in, whether it would be a business or in the world s largest financial market, you should always consider that there would always be risks involved. September 29, 2013.Getting the necessary and the right information is one of the most important things in order to be successful. In a company, in the military, in the government, and virtually in any kind of organization, getting the right information is necessary to make the right decision This is where all decisions are based from Information plays a vital role in the society. For example, in the military, making the right decisions during war or even during peac etime is necessary to save and protect lives In the business world, it is also necessary to get the right information to make the right decision in order for a company to grow and profit. Most wrong decisions are usually made because of lack of information or because of getting the wrong information. Here s another example on what happens when decision makers get the wrong information Countless leaders of countries have been ousted because of one minor glitch in the information that their advisers gave them. It cannot be stressed enough that it is necessary for everyone to get the right information After getting the information, you should study it, and formulate a decision that you think is right for the current situation. This is also true in the financial market, such as the Forex market. The Forex market is the largest and the most liquid market in the world which operates 24 hours a day and generates currency exchanges up to two trillion dollars each day This market has no centralized location as trades are open 24 hours a day in different parts of the world. It is a fact that the Forex market made lots of people rich and also taken a lot of people in the brink of financial collapse The Forex market can really be a difficult market for you, as an investor It can only mean two things, either you make it big by getting lots of money or you can really lose big time. With the constant oscillation of currency value in this market, it is necessary for you, as an investor to obtain the right information to base your decisions from The right and wrong information or late information can mean the difference of you hitting the jackpot by earning lots of money or you losing a lot of money. Having the necessary skills and knowledge about the Forex market is simply not enough for an investor to be successful It is a known fact that there are lots of seasoned Forex investors or traders who have lost a lot of money in this financial market Some even got into debt or bankruptcy. This i s why you should first consider your options whether you should join the Forex market or not However, the fact that you can make lots of money in this market can really attract you Besides, the Forex market can offer you a chance to make the big bucks. So, if you want to join the Forex market or if you already have an active, funded account, you should make sure that you have access to the right kind of information. It is recommended that you should hire technical and or fundamental analysts or brokers if you don t know a thing about Forex charts and graphs The news also plays an important role in the Forex market. These people can help you make the right kind of decision by informing you with all the necessary information on what currency you should buy and sell. Although they will charge you a fee for their services, you can be sure that you will be getting the right information on time that will help you in your decision-making So, to make it short, you should hire these people s servic es. Even if you know how to read the charts, there are simply too many things that you have to consider there are just simply so many indicators about the different aspects in the Forex market that you should keep an eye on Simply reading one kind of chart can be very difficult Try combining it with another chart, and not to mention that you still have to make decisions. Always remember, if you want to be successful in the world s largest financial market in the world, you should get informed with the right information on time You should always keep in mind that the information that analysts and brokers provide you is the key to success. September 29, 2013.If you want to earn extra cash aside from the cash you earn from your regular job or your business, maybe it s time to you to enter the financial market One kind of financial market that made a lot of people earn a lot of money is the Forex market. Aside from the fact that the Forex market can give you an opportunity to earn a lot of mon ey, you should also know that Forex is the largest and the most liquid financial market in the world with trade exchanges that amounts up to trillions of dollars each day. Forex also operates 24 hours a day and therefore making it the most liquid market in the world. However, Forex is also a very risky market Besides that fact that it generated a lot of people to become rich, it also made a lot of people lose large amounts of money Therefore, you should consider that you should think twice before entering this financial market You should have enough knowledge and skills before you enter this market Part of the knowledge that you should know the best time you should enter this very liquid and very large market. Sure you know how to trade, you know what currency pairs to trade, and you even know how to read charts Perhaps, you also know one or two strategy when trading in the Forex market However, you should also consider the fact that because the Forex market operates 24 hours a day, you n eed to know when you should trade. Every minute in the Forex market counts One minute you notice a currency is increasing in value, the next you notice that the same kind of currency you noticed a minute ago is decreasing in value This is why you should consider the fact that Forex market is a very dynamic market with lots of price oscillations. Minute by minute events are very important in order for you to be successful Because of this feature that is found in the Forex market, you, as a Forex trader, can enter the market a number of times a day This will allow you to earn some profits after every number of trades you do and perhaps maybe even lose one if you made the wrong trading decision. Firstly, you have to remember that the Forex market beings at Sunday at 5PM EST to Friday at 4PM EST then it beings again at 5PM EST Trading begins in Forex at New Zealand next at Australia followed by Asia, in the Middle East, Europe and ends in America The major markets in Forex are London, Tokyo a nd New York with trading activities the heaviest when major markets overlap. Basing from the times, you will see that there will always be someone anywhere in the world who is buying and selling currencies You will see that when one market closes, another market opens Trading in the Forex market is 24 hours a day. Forex market transaction volume is always high during the whole day However, it peaks the highest when the Asian market, the European market and the US market opens at the same time. These are the trading hours in the Forex market you have to trade in, in order to get the highest possible trades This are the hours that are also the most profitable. Here are the open market times that you can use as reference. New York 8am to 4pm EST London 2am to 12nn EST Great Britain 3am to 11am EST Tokyo 8pm to 4am EST Australia 7pm to 3am EST. If you look at the schedule and study it, you will see that there are two instances where two of the major markets overlap on trading hours These are bet ween 2am and 4am EST with Asian and European markets and 8am to 12pm EST with European and North American. These are the things you should remember when trading in the Forex market It is not only important that you know how to trade and know some strategies on Forex trading, But, you should also know when is the best time to trade in this very large and very liquid market. If you follow all these, you can be sure that you can earn a potentially higher profit than on other trading times. September 29, 2013.If you want to succeed in any endeavor, you need to have persistence and dedication Even your daily life requires it because if you re the type of person who is quite lazy and wants to goof around, you ll attain nothing of importance in your life. Ever since you were a little kid, you were already taught with the value of good education From your nursery days, until you finally graduate in college, you have dedicated many years to get a good education But it doesn t end there. Each time yo u encounter a new endeavor, activity, or thing, the first to come into your mind is to learn about that particular thing or activity So you see, no matter what we do, education continues And this is especially true with forex trading. Statistics have shown that over 94 professional traders lose a lot of money every day in forex trading alone But don t be discouraged in fact why not use that piece of information to strive hard to get a forex trading education. The financial market changes by the minute, or even by the second Who knows which currencies are a good buy and which aren t Most traders, specially the starters, believe that they can predict what is about to happen in forex trading But you see there is more to predicting the market you need to educate yourself still. First things first, you must have a forex trading system which contains the key elements, namely money management, risk, and execution If you have a well developed system, which gives a lot of weight to money and risk management, over time you can actually carry on draw downs while expecting consistent returns. Forex trading is not just about buying low currencies and then selling them when the price is high Profitable traders can teach you more than just discipline, because you also need to learn about detachment Ask a professional trader to show and guide you how it is done. You must have the proper mindset in order to be a successful forex trader To achieve this, your capital should have a positive return It is not all about profits especially when you re just a beginner You should first determine if you have a reasonable return of your capital. Most successful forex traders have undergone some sort of education Since forex trading is a high risk endeavor, it is not wise to instantly jump into the trade. If you purely rely on experience and instinct, you may not likely succeed in forex trading But if you have undergone a forex trading education, you are more capable to handle demands and the stress t hat comes along with the trade. Through forex education, you can learn all about the market mechanics, reading the forex chart, how software works, how it is closed, the right time to bid, and many more It is the best possible route to take before plunging into forex trading. The FX market is volatile, and you can understand the situation better if you know how to read charts It will be easier for you to understand the different reasons behind these shifts, and can greatly help in minimizing the risks that you are going to undertake. The very first things that you ll learn in forex trading education are the basics It includes margin concepts, order types, rollovers, bids, and leveraging Aside from that, you can also learn about fundamental and technical analysis And lastly, you should learn about trading psychology which can teach you about patience, discipline, and commitment. It is also good if you can learn about the financial market s history And knowing the past mistakes made by other traders will teach us how to avoid such circumstances You can get a forex education online or in a traditional class. Having a forex education is an added advantage compared to those who haven t had any This is especially helpful for starters, and even for those who have been in trading for some time. Most professional traders highly recommend some form of forex education With a little background and knowledge about the trade, it is a sure fire way to succeed in this line of trade Instead of making wild guesses, why not take a forex education class, and make educated decisions when doing the actual trade. September 29, 2013.In the world s largest financial market where exchanges reach up to trillions of dollars each day, many people would really want to participate in this market Aside from being the largest financial market in the world, Forex is also the most liquid market in the world where trades are done 24 hours a day. A lot of traders have become very rich trading in the Forex mark et And, many people who trade in the Forex market everyday have found a great way to replace their day jobs Some even became millionaires almost overnight by just trading in this financial market. Trading in the Forex market can be very attractive However, you should also know that there have been people who suffered extreme financial losses in the Forex market It is true that the Forex market offers a very good money-making opportunity to a lot of people, but it also has its risks. It is a fact that people who didn t have the right knowledge and skills trading in the Forex market suffered huge financial losses and some even went into debt So, before you enter the Forex market, it is essential that you should have the necessary knowledge and skills as a Forex trader in order to minimize the risk of losing money and maximize the potential of making money. Many people who were successful in the Forex market have went through a Forex trading course to get the knowledge and skills needed to s uccessfully trade in this very liquid and very large financial market. In a Forex trading course you will learn about when it is the right time to buy or sell, chart the movements, spot market trends and also know how to use the different trading platforms available in the Forex market. You will also be familiarized with the terminologies used in the Forex market Even the basic knowledge about trading in the Forex market can be a great help with your money-making venture in the world s largest market. There are different Forex trading courses available, all you need to do is choose one that suits your needs as a trader There are crash courses where all the basic things about Forex will be taught to you in a short period of time, full time online courses, where you will learn all about Forex through the internet and there are also full time real life classroom courses where you can learn the ropes about Forex in a real classroom with a live professor. You can also become an apprentice Howev er, in order to learn a lot about Forex as an apprentice, you need to make sure that you have a seasoned Forex trader who can share a lot of things to you about the Forex market. Here are some of the basic things you should look for in a Forex trading course in order for you to get the sufficient knowledge about Forex trading. Margins Leveraging Types of orders Major currencies. A good Forex trading course will also explain a lot about the fundamental and technical analysis of charts As a trader, knowing how to analyze a chart is an essential skill that you should have So, when you are looking for a Forex trading course, you should look for a course that offers fundamental and technical analysis instruction. Stress plays a vital part in Forex traders Knowing how to deal with stress is also a skill that you should develop A good Forex trading course should teach you how to deal with stress and trade effectively and efficiently. As much as possible, you should look for a Forex trading course that offer actual trading systems where students can trade real money on the Forex market or at least trade on dummy accounts in a simulated Forex market This hands-on experience will greatly benefit you Besides, the best way to learn about anything is by actually experiencing it Live trading and simulations should be offered in a Forex trading course. So, if you plan on getting involved in the Forex market, consider finding all these things in a Forex trading course Developing the right knowledge and skills in trading in the world s largest and most liquid market in the world will definitely help you make it to the top and achieve your dreams as a Forex trader. September 29, 2013.If you traded in the Forex market before or if you re still trading now, you may have heard the term Forex broker a lot of times However, as an individual trader, you may want to know what is a Forex broker and what they do. Forex brokers are individuals or companies that assist individual traders and companies when they are trading in the Forex market These individuals can really give you that extra edge you need in order to be successful in the Forex market Although they will be trading your funded account, all the decisions are still yours to make if you want to. Forex brokers are there to assist you with your trading needs in exchange for a small commission from what you earn Here are some of the services that a Forex broker can give you. A Forex broker can give you advice regarding on real time quotes. A Forex broker can also give you advice on what to buy or sell by basing it on news feeds. A Forex broker can trade your funded account basing solely on his or her decision if you want them to. A Forex broker can also provide you with software data to help you with your trading decisions. Searching for a good Forex broker can prove to be a very tedious task Since there are a lot of advertising in the internet about Forex brokers, Forex traders get confused on which Forex broker they should hire With all the Forex brokers out there that offers great Forex trading income and quotations, you will find it hard to choose a good and reputable Forex broker. With a little research, you can find the right Forex broker who can be trusted If you lack referrals for Forex brokers, you can try and do a little research of your own The first thing you need to find out about a particular Forex broker with the amount of clients they serve The more clients they serve the more chances that these brokers are trusted You should also know the amount of trades these brokers are conducting. Knowing the broker s experience in the Forex market is also a great way to determine if he or she is the right broker to hire Experienced Forex brokers will increase your chances of earning money from the Forex market. If you have questions or complaints, you should call or email the company and ask questions regarding their trading system You should never be uncomfortable doing this Besides, they will be the one who will manage your money And, it is your right to know about what they are doing with your money. When choosing a Forex broker, you should also consider their trading options You should also know that Forex brokers are different from what they can offer you They differ in platforms, spreads, or leverage You have to know which of the trading options is very important to you in order to be comfortable when you trade in the Forex market. Most online Forex brokers offer potential clients with a demo account This will allow you to try out their trading platform without actually risking money You should look for a demo platform that works just like the real thing and you should also determine if you are comfortable with the trading platform. Look for the features you want in a trading platform in order for you to know what to expect if you trade with them If you are comfortable with a trading platform, you should consider trading with them, and if you are not, scratch them off your list This is a great way to test their trading platform and not risk your money. If a Forex broker is not willing to share financial information about their company, you shouldn t trade with them because they are reluctant to share company information They should answer your questions regarding on how they manage their client s money and how they trade that money. Always remember that if you see an offer that s too good to be true by Forex traders, it probably is too good to be true The Forex market is a very risky place to trade and Forex brokers must tell you that there are certain risks involved when trading in the Forex market Avoid hiring a Forex broker who says that trading in Forex is easy and a very good money making market with very low risks. These are the things you should consider when you look for a Forex broker If you find that right broker, you can be sure that you can really earn money. September 29, 2013.Not all people are familiar with forex trading In fact, most people think that whe n you talk about forex trading, it has something to do with stocks or bonds But forex trading is different from stocks or bonds It involves the trading of currency pairs. Currencies are traded in pairs, and you can t find a particular currency without a pair The major currencies being traded are chosen above the rest because they are stable and have a greater value than other foreign currencies. Every time a new comer arrives in the market, the very first ones to take notice of them are what you call frauds That is why, if you re new in forex trading, you need to take some advice It doesn t hurt to ask for advice from the ones who are already engaged in forex trading In fact, you can make use of their advice for your own good, and even to your advantage. Since forex trading is globally available, it is not surprising if there are frauds that are able to infiltrate the financial market To safeguard people from these frauds, they must be made aware of these growing fact, so that they will b e able to protect their trading career. The opportunities that forex trading provides for different individuals, firms, and organizations is growing rapidly every year And accompanying this growth is the widespread growth of different scams related with forex trading But you should not worry because there are a lot of legitimate companies or firms that can help you in forex trading. The best thing to do is to find these legitimate companies to stay away from fraudulent ones However, most new traders fall prey to these scammers because of their savory offers. A piece of advice stay away from companies or firms which advertise high profits for minimal risks In today s financial market, if you want to earn high profits, then you are likely subjected to high risks as well These things always go together. Always stay on the safe side If you re looking for a forex trading broker, and of course, each broker is part of a certain company, make sure that you select a government registered company In signing any contract with them, double check if they are registered or certified brokers This is a good step to undertake in order to prevent any misfortune that you might encounter in the future. The job of reducing the risk is entirely yours, not that of the broker so if the company offers or promises little risks, guaranteed profits, and the like, that is a sure sign that they are there to make a fool out of you. Professional trader or not, a little use of the common sense can go a long way. Before doing any forex trade, do your homework Research all the necessary details about trading Ever heard of inter-bank market Stay away from companies which lure you into trading in the inter-bank market because the currency transactions are negotiated in a wobbly network of large companies and financial institutions. If a certain company does not disclose any information about their background, that should serve as a red flag It means that you should continue doing transactions with them Nor is it advisable to transfer send cash through the mail or the internet Practice caution in everything you do, and you ll be more than sure that you are always safe. Fraudelent companies often solicit services and advertise soaring pressure tactics to attract you in participating or joining their services Offshore companies which guarantees no risk and return of profit is a big no Always be skeptical and don t jump in to any instant offer that comes your way. You can decide for yourself After all these pieces of advice, it will still depend entirely on you whether you will apply it or not You are the one who will be subject to fraudulent individuals or companies If you want to protect your forex trading career, carefully consider these things. With patience and a little diligence, you can expect for a successful forex trading career These frauds which abound in the financial market will not succeed if only people are alert and skeptical. No se preocupe por lo que van a hacer los mercados Preoc pese slo por cul ser su respuesta ante el movimiento de los mismos Michael Carr. No importa para nada si tienes razn o no Lo que s importa es cunto dinero ganas cuando tienes razn y cunto dinero pierdes cuando ests equivocado George Soros. A todos nos gusta tener la esperanza de que nuestra operacin ser ganadora y un Stop es una parte de la realidad que nos previene de aferrarnos a una esperanza vaca Alexander Elder. Si no es capaz de tomar una pequea prdida Antes o despus se enfrentar a la madre de todas las prdidas Ed Seykota. Un inversor necesita hacer muy pocas cosas bien si evita grandes errores Warren Buffett. La naturaleza humana hace que los operadores tengan esperanza cuando deberan tener miedo Cuando tienen prdidas tienen esperanza y cuando tienen beneficios tienen miedo El resultado neto son unos pequeos beneficios y unas grandes prdidas Jerry Rafferty. Las oportunidades son como los amaneceres, si uno espera demasiado, se los pierde William Arthur Ward. Tras la salida en break eve n de la operacin anterior, vuelvo a encontrar un buen momento para comprar el cruce, cubriendo la operacin en un 2R antes del NFP Vuelvo a entrar tras la publicacin del mismo y en esta ocasin acaba tocando el nuevo SL. Operacin con una buena entrada cuyo SL se sube a break even tras varios intentos fallidos de superar una resistencia a corto plazo, sacndome poco despus de la operacin antes de que el mercado continuase en la direccin de mi trade, esta vez ya sin mi. Busco el momento de entrar corto en el cruce tras recibir una idea en Tradingview que me parece adecuada, vendiendo el par tras la reaccin del mercado al discurso de Yellen, tras el que espero el EURJPY vuelva a niveles previos Finalmente, al no evolucionar el cruce como esperaba, salgo en BE. Decido entrar corto en el cruce tras rebotar en nivel de resistencia y observar momntum bajista El cruce se estabiliza en torno a mi nivel de entrada, y tras observar incapacidad para seguir bajando, decido programar una salida en break e ven. ltimos artculos. En este artculo sealo los pasos que dara personalmente si quisiese iniciarme en el Trading, haciendo un repaso de los cursos que he realizado hasta la fecha, y dando ciertos consejos a la hora de elegir un curso de Trading. Artculo detallando las particularidades que tienen los Darwins como activo financiero, analizando una serie de cuestiones a tener en cuenta a la hora de realizar una inversin en estos nuevos activos cotizados en Darwinex. Muchos equiparan el Trading al juego, sin embargo, a travs de este artculo mostraremos como el Trading realmente es una actividad basada en probabilidades, al mismo tiempo que os ayudar a comprender y superar una mala racha en vuestra operativa. Artculo en el que se explica la estrategia de trading basada en la accin del precio que se ensea en la pgina de Nial Fuller, Learn to Trade the Market, basada en tres setups que se operan en base a la confluencia de otros factores. Now that we ve got that out-of-the-way the Fed s sill little rate hike, and of course the nearly not covered debt ceiling debacle we can move on It s time for more mind bending macro market analysis considering that these last few calls have been bang on the money In short U S Dollar plunge shall continue, as both gold and The Euro continue to move higher Further riches will be made with this simple concept burned into the back of your skull like a bad tattoo. Let s have a quick look at the weekly chart of my old friend AUD JPY and refresh our memories, as to how this currency pair can help you gauge risk appetite with another simple concept. AUD JPY UP Risk on. AUD JPY DOWN Risk off. AUD JPY Risk on vs risk off. You can see how AUD JPY has been trading completely flat for the past 10-12 weeks as U S Stocks have really only taken a small leg higher during the same period of time U S Stocks are always ALWAYS the last to go when risk appetite and the machines on Wall St switch from buy to sell Always. AUD JPY has been up against very solid resistance f or an extended period of time, and if all was well would surely have broken through, and climbed higher along side U S Equities some time ago. Such is clearly not the case as this currency pair has literally miles to fall And fall it shall. I am currently tracking this pair but not getting excited about entry short until I see a nice solid read candle and a decisive break lower Even 85 00 and lower to truly seal the deal. You see how this works right I m tracking observing market activity with a pre conceived notion of at least two if not two hundred things. AUD JPY a significant indicator of risk appetite in markets in general is trading in a range against significant over head resistance. A significant break lower should clear the field and is suggestive of a much larger shift from risk on to risk off across markets in general. Eezy Peezy when you have a plan Do YOU have a plan There could be 1000 pips below this currency pairs current price. Damn rights I m still short USD Damn rights I st ill own NUGT Damn rights I m killing it long EUR USD. Any questions today I m back in the saddle. If you still don t have currencies on your radar insert four letter words cuss spit tantrum psychotic episode, violent outrage well and I can only go so far Every time a U S stock is bought or sold on this entire f king planet somehow somewhere it likely involves currency exchange What You think you Mericans are the only people buying your own crap No wait China s crap Sold back to you at 1000 mark up from your most trusted and beloved American brands. The daily dollar volume of the entire planets stocks markets combined is around 84 billion dollars a day That s pretty impressive right. Get ready numb nuts a shout out to my alien followers currently residing in Antarctica Get it numb nuts Ya we talk trade secrets compare notes etc Different planets of origin same day to day shit. The daily dollar volume of the entire planets FX market 4 Trillion baby 4 Trillion pieces of paper bullshit currency trading hands every single day so you can keep sippin yer Pepsi and scarfing those Dorritos. The boats stay afloat rubber duckies keep showing up, and the wheels of the global economy keep on turning All of it currency driven. As the world s reserve currency The U S has had a strangle hold on world trade for like eons You get it right If you want to buy oil tankers full of oil dip shit not oil for your grandma s lawn mower Must convert rupee to dollars You wanna buy copper Must convert Canadian Loonies for U S Dollars. It s bullshit It s ridiculous and it s over The planet has been moving away from exchange of USD for years now leading the charge. Every stock market on the planet fits in the palm of my hand, but I need to use my back when I m moving currencies. Get a chart of USD on your watch list boys It ll save you surfing through a million others trying to figure out WTF is goin on. More global perspective for you Imagine how stupid this looks to those of us from other worlds. Paper slav es on this coming. The near term strength in The U S Dollar although still no higher than 5 days ago is a ramp into the proposed rate hike and a clear sell on the news trade It s so obvious Staring you right in the face as Gold s near term slide looks to FINALLY end in the congestion zone around 1200 00.Looks pretty clear to me, as per the previous post and information provided by James Rickards A nominal rate hike with stocks at all time highs when else could these bozos possibly even consider it and perhaps a short-term extension of this ridiculous euphoria reality, as both stocks and The U S Dollar hit the skids. USD JPY should hit resistance around 114 85-114 95 and that will be that. EUR USD is perfectly fine here around 1 0525-1 055 as it s STILL above 1 05 despite USD bounce. AUD JPY our risk barometer hasn t even budged No breakout No nothin so. Don t get too excited Nothing has changed except of course further bad news on trade deficit with China and of course instability Tweetfest and generally nuttiness still on the rise. kong and rickards. Jim Rickards Markets Are Experiencing Cognitive Dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is a psychological term to describe a situation where perception and reality are out of sync. It s similar to what most people refer to as denial The patient sees things one way, but the reality is different Of course, it s just a matter of time before reality prevails and the patient is jolted back to reality This process can be fast or slow, easy or painful, but the important thing to bear in mind is reality always wins. Something like cognitive dissonance is going on in markets right now Markets have been temporarily euphoric over Trump s tax, regulatory and spending policies Those policies are important to business and credit cycles and economic growth. The perception is that happy days are here again The new Trump administration is expected to pour trillions of dollars of stimulus spending and tax cuts into the economy Immediately after the Nov 8 election, investors took a quick look at Trump s policies and decided they liked what they saw. Trump wants lower taxes, less regulation and higher infrastructure spending Corporate profits and consumer spending benefit from lower taxes Banks and pharmaceutical companies benefit from less regulation Construction firms and defense contractors benefit from infrastructure spending There seemed to be something for everyone, and the stock market took off like a Roman candle. And indeed, the major stock indexes hit one record closing after another The Dow topped 20,000 this week before pulling back The dollar has been trading near a 14-year high, although it s slipped in recent days Gold was moving mostly sideways until it broke out again over the past few days. Bank stocks went vertical in expectations of wider net interest margins from Fed rate hikes and less regulation from Dodd-Frank reform Happy days, indeed. Reality is another matter I ve been warning my readers lately that the Trump tra de is levitating in thin air and is ready for a fall Now that reality could be beginning to sink in. It s far from clear how much of the Trump economic agenda will see the light of day Congress wants to offset tax cuts in one area with tax increases in another so they are revenue neutral That takes away the stimulus Less regulation for banks won t help the economy if bankers lead us into another financial meltdown like 2008.Infrastructure spending will increase the debt-to-GDP ratio past the already high level of 105 , putting the U S closer to a sovereign debt crisis like Greece As I wrote Tuesday, many believe a 60 debt-to-GDP ratio retards growth That s the standard the ECB uses for members of the Eurozone Scholars Ken Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart put the figure at 90.Again, the U S debt-to-GDP ratio is currently at 105 , as stated, and heading higher Under any standard, the U S is at the point where more debt produces less growth rather than more This is one more reason why the Trump infrastructure spending plan will not produce the hoped for growth And if infrastructure is funded privately, you ll need tools and user fees to pay the bondholders, which is just another form of tax increase. There s almost no way Trump s policies can supply the stimulus the market is pricing in The Dow Jones index peaked on Jan 26, 2017, one day after cracking the mythical 20,000 mark It s now trading around 19,900 The downhill trend may continue and get steeper soon. Productivity has stalled out in recent months Economists are not sure why It could be due to lack of investment by business, or that workers are not being trained in useful skills, or that everyone is spending too much time on social media Whatever the cause, productivity is flat. Fourth-quarter GDP came in at 1 9 , below expectations the final chapter on the worst year of U S growth since 2011 when the economy was still healing from the global financial crisis The strong dollar is a major headwind to growth, along with fl at labor force participation and weak productivity growth. Growth in a major economy is simply the sum of increases in the labor force plus increases in productivity Think about it How many people are working and what is the output per worker That s it that s all there is The reality is that the workforce is not growing. Labor force participation is near 40-year lows and is expected to decline further for demographic reasons Birthrates have never been this low since the Great Depression The U S used to get a labor force lift from immigration, but that might dry up because of Trump s policies We ll have to wait and see. A flat labor force plus flat productivity equals a flat economy, or almost zero nominal growth That s reality. kong and rickards. How will this situation be resolved. Either growth will rebound based on animal spirits and the Trump stimulus working better than expected or markets will collapse once they realize the growth is not coming By collapse, I mean a violent stock marke t correction, a falling dollar and major rallies in bonds and gold We expect the latter. Financial crises are not mainly about the business cycle They re about investor psychology, sudden shocks and the instability of the financial system Right now investors are skittish, numerous shocks are waiting to happen and the system is highly unstable due to overleverage and nontransparency. Despite Trump s best efforts and positive policies, a collapse could happen any day unless radical steps are taken to prevent it such as breaking up big banks and banning derivatives I ve been warning about this for a while, but now mainstream economists see the danger too Nobel Prize winner Robert Shiller, for example, sees a stock market crash coming that could be worse than 1929 or 2000 I hope he s wrong. The problem with a financial panic is that panicked investors don t care if the president is a Democrat or a Republican they just want their money back The same dynamic applies to natural disasters like ts unamis and earthquakes. Once the disaster starts, the dynamics have a life of their own and don t care if the victims are liberals or conservatives Everyone gets hurt just the same I m not hoping for it, but this is a lesson Trump may learn the hard way. Above I said collapse means a violent stock market correction, a falling dollar and major rallies in bonds and gold I expect the latter The long-term trends favor gold if U S growth continues disappoint. The strong dollar story can t last, so it won t The Trump administration has clearly signaled that the day of the strong dollar is over When you see a coordinated attack on the dollar from the White House, the Treasury and the Fed, you can bet the dollar will weaken That means a higher dollar price for gold. The dollar may get one last boost from a Fed rate hike in March, but after that, even the Fed will acknowledge that they got it wrong again and start another easing cycle with happy talk and forward guidance. For now, investors should n ot stand in front of a moving train Keep cash ready and be prepared to move into gold, bonds and the euro In fact, it s not too soon to leg into those positions now. Instead of watching the tape or short-term trends, my advice is to stay focused on the long-term trends That s how you ll make the most money and preserve wealth in adversity. kong and rickards. Source, James Rickards via the Daily Reckoning. These things take time so let s just take a minute and re group. The entire blog financial community at large is pretty much sitting at a stand still, with a couple of ridiculous factors and circumstances in play Get a load of this 15th is not only the DAY the debt ceiling freeze does exactly that but ALSO the day the Fed is widely expected to raise interest rates Can you wrap your head around that Can you. The dichotomy here is unprecedented I see the debt ceiling biz being completely and totally blacked out in the main stream media, as it could very likely lead to government shutdown, as well as some pretty snappy headlines out there when the world at large is again reminded United States is again 100 flat broke. I would assume the powers that be will keep things lofty moving into the 15th, then regardless of an interest rate hike or not d have to expect our long-awaited sell off correction to start, which will likely take us well past May as I also feel that SELL IN MAY will be in effect this year. In a broad sense I d be looking to put some protection in place start raising cash for a much better time and place to jump back in. There is very likely one more push higher later this year and it could very well be a whopper so maybe July Aug would be a great time to grab that cash put it back to use moving into the fall. EUR longs looking good NUGT pissing me off. Anyone else find this absolutely amazing hard to even comprehend. From some article. The Digital currency bitcoin jumped to a record high above 1,200 last Friday, as investors speculated the first bitcoin exchange-tra ded fund ETF to be issued in the United States is set to receive regulatory approval. Traditional financial players have largely shunned the web-based crytpocurrency, viewing it as too volatile, complicated and risky, and doubting its inherent value. But bitcoin, invented in 2008, performed better than any other currency in every year since 2010 apart from 2014, when it was the worst-performing currency, and has added almost a quarter to its value so far this year. Bitcoin Now As Valuable As Gold. Another indication of just how stretched ridiculous things have gotten when a digital crypto-currencies perceived value has matched surpassed the price of gold. You don t think this thing is just a tad over extended. So it all comes down to Trump s speech tonight market participant stand like fat deer in the headlights. Gold still the same EUR USD up nicely but still more or less the same, and the beast of all beasts NUGT takes the world for a diving lesson Boom talk about a stop run These things do n t happen unless the big boys are making their moves They can push price a couple bucks in a couple of hours without batting an eye the while your piddly 200 shares with a 50 cent stop get s gobbled up Multiply that by a couple 100,000 or million and you start to better understand just how difficult it is to trade with a pea shooter when those on the other side of your trade carry billion dollar bazookas. You really don t have much of a chance. I find it incredibly ironic that the Trumpster is calling for some 54 billion more spending on Defence, and 1 Trillion on infrastructure when the country is already 100 flat busted broke bankrupt As suggested by a few of the brightest minds in the comment section here at Kong sounds like the ol debt ceiling with just get raised, then raised again then again Where does the money come from. Sounds like more money printing to I thought the economy is expanding and there is now talk of the rate hike cycle beginning Not. QE will happen in Merica again. T he printing presses can never stop printing. MORE FOREX TRADING POSTS. FOREX KONG S DISCLAIMER. Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you Before deciding to invest in foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience and risk appetite You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent financial adviser if you have any doubts.
